LEARN ABOUTDUI Alcohol & Drug Use

TRUCK DRIVER DUI ALCOHOL & DRUG ACCIDENTSDUI Regulations For Commercial Truck Drivers

Trucks are large and heavy vehicles that have the capacity to do greater damage in accidents than typical passenger vehicles. For this reason, individuals who operate commercial vehicles such as big rigs, tractor trailors, and buses are held to a much higher standard when it comes to drunk driving. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for commercial drivers is 0.04%, which is half the 0.08% limit of regular drivers.

In addition to the lower BAC limit, commercial drivers are subject to strict testing:

  • Drivers must be tested when applying for the job
  • Drivers must be tested within a certain timeframe following an accident
  • Drivers are subject to random testing

If you sustained serious injuries due to a drunk truck driver, an attorney can help you investigate the accident, including police records of DUI tickets, drug and alcohol test results, as well as additional evidence that may prove the driver’s intoxication. Scarlett Law Group has experience helping clients pursue justice and seeking compensation for damages related to accidents.

Truck Driver Drug Usage

The rules and regulations that govern the usage policy of drugs for commercial drivers are very strict. The law strictly prohibits truck drivers from operating a commercial vehicle if the truck driver takes (or need to take) a drug or a medicine that affects the driver’s ability to safely operate the vehicle.

These are applicable even for over-the-counter drugs or medicines. Some drugs or medicines can impair truck driver’s judgment, can make the driver over-react. They also have adverse effect on the reaction time of the driver. All these can cause an accident.

Pursue Justice For Your Losses

Defending against drunken driving charge requires special expertise and experience. A DUI defense attorney needs to understand scientific and medical concepts. The defense attorney must be able to question tough witnesses, including scientists and police officers. An experienced attorney who specializes in blood alcohol analysis and drunken driving cases can effectively handle criminal and administrative proceedings.

If you are injured by a drunk driver, contact us for a free consultation to discuss your case.

Do I Have A Case?

If you’d like to speak with an attorney, fill out the form below or call us at (415) 352-6264 or (800) 262-7576 (Toll Free)

    To learn more about how we can protect your rights, please contact our San Francisco office.

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