What to Do When Dealing with Uncooperative Insurance Companies

Dealing with insurance companies can be a frustrating experience, especially if your insurance company is not cooperating with your claims. Whether you’re filing a claim for a car accident, medical bill, or even home insurance, insurance companies have a bit of a reputation for being uncooperative. After all, their main aim is to make money,...

How to Prove Neck and Back Injuries in a Car Accident

Neck and back injuries after a car accident can vary in severity from whiplash that heals in a few weeks to lifelong paralysis. However, neck and back injuries are a common occurrence in road traffic accidents, and you can claim for your medical costs and the pain and suffering that resulted. Your attorney will present...

5 Common Injuries Sustained in a Car Accident

It’s not uncommon for a driver to sustain serious injuries after being involved in a car accident. Car accidents, whether big or small, can have serious consequences on a person’s physical health. Our San Francisco car accident attorneys explain which are the most common types of injuries people suffer in car accidents. #1: Whiplash Whiplash...

4 Common Holiday Accidents

The holiday season is filled with fun traditions, such as large dinner parties, holiday decorations, and road trips. Unfortunately, these holiday traditions come with serious hazards. To help you and your family stay safe this holiday season, our San Francisco personal injury attorneys explain the most common accidents that occur during the holidays and how...

Tips to Avoid Drunk Drivers During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for presents, chimney fires, and family gatherings. Unfortunately, the holiday season is also known as one of the most dangerous times to drive. Many drivers suffer injuries in car accidents caused by irresponsible drunk drivers on the road. For this reason, it is vital that you take precautionary steps...