Whiplash Is Associated With Depression And PTSD

Whiplash is one of the most common forms of spinal cord injury (SCI). Typically caused by rear-end vehicle accidents, the injury is characterized by trauma to the cervical spine (the region of the spinal cord located in the neck) following sudden acceleration then deceleration of the head. Although whiplash is usually mild, many people who...

Suicide Is a Common Cause of Death After Spinal Cord Injury

In recent decades, medical innovations have lengthened the life expectancy of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). A substantial proportion of reduced mortality can be attributed to advances in treatment for respiratory and cardiac complications associated with SCI. Despite these important advances, the average life expectancy of a person with SCI remains shorter than that...

Causes of traumatic spinal cord injury vary substantially by age.

Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating, permanent condition that often results in partial or total loss of motor function in some or all of the limbs. Importantly, most injuries that lead to SCI—such as motor vehicle accidents, falls, and gunshot wounds—are preventable. As demographics and other relevant population characteristics change over time, public...

Prevalence of prescribed opioid claims among persons with traumatic spinal cord injury in Ontario, Canada: A population-based retrospective cohort study.

Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) affects hundreds of thousands of people worldwide and is associated with permanent, substantial disability. One such outcome is debilitating chronic pain, for which the majority of patients are prescribed opioid medications. Although opioids are an effective management strategy for chronic pain, incorrect dosage or long-term use can lead to depression,...

Who Will Pay for My Long-Term Medical Care After an Accident?

If you were hurt in an accident that was someone else’s fault, you might be facing extensive medical bills, lost wages, and physical distress. Seeking compensation for your injuries should be one of the first steps to help you cover all accident-related costs. But what happens if your injuries will require long-term medical attention that...